Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Question for you?

It's January 2nd. Yes, I know you know that but I'm making a point here. I repeat it's January 2nd, how are the old resolutions going? Oh, as good as that? Yip, know the feeling.

I'm trying to work out if this is procrastination or not.

I should be writing. I am writing.
However, I probably shouldn't be writing this. I should be writing the dissertation for my Masters.

I am with this unknown author -

If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done. ~Author Unknown

and this one

I do my work at the same time each day - the last minute. ~Author Unknown

and have in the past fooled myself into thinking that this is the way I do my best work. I have been known to insist, insist I tell you, that it is essential that I do the ironing that has been sitting around the utility room for weeks (truthfully? probably months) instead of completing some academic or other project that needs completing. Normally, unless it's a wedding or interview or other such shenanigans, I will cheerfully wear the top pulled out of the tumble dryer but when deadlines loom - no, it has to be ironed carefully, if not starched, to within an inch of its life.

So I am attempting to adopt the mind set of this author

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. ~William James

and I know he's right. The joy of having completing a task and knowing that it is done is enormous and freeing and wonderful and a delight and so unmitigatingly BORING

Why is it that things you have to do, eat into so much time of the things that you want to do? Answers on a postcard please.

I want to be writing the new boys in my head, I want to be chilling on the sofa watching Brothers and Sisters on DVD and drinking coffee, I want to be doing . . . . anything other than what I should be doing.

Isn't being a grown up boring sometimes?

Sorry but this one made me laugh - cover your eyes if you are of sensitive disposition

Procrastination is like masturbation. At first it feels good, but in the end you're only screwing yourself. ~Author Unknown

Right - back to explaining to someone who already knows, that I know, that questioning in the classroom is important for higher order thinking.

And the Rainbow Slider thinks she has it bad because she's in work!!


Anonymous said...

I know that feeling. I have to write a paper I have done the research and I could begin it wouldn't take long, the preparatory work is done but.... I'm reading your block, I'm playing some stupid games and so on. I know I could do it now, but....


pooks said...

If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it. ~Olin Miller

Contributed by Pooks of SmugTown - 1254 words and counting - if I have to do 8000 how many more?;)