Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Now what makes you think that someone around here with a funny accent – no, not me! Is desperate (maybe I should have put an ‘extremely’ in front of that, what do you think – too much?) OK... is extremely desperate to find something else to do other than sit her arse down and actually write her bloody dissertations?

Is it the fact that she has blogged for two days running when you haven’t heard a peep from her for the past four months?

Or is it the time and effort she has taken to look through her books for those ‘Oh so fitting quotes’?

The whining about resolutions and procrastination?

The telling us all about how many of the 8000 words she has actually written (probably waffle and she'll changed them later)


The ironing then? Well, we all hate that and from the woman who will even wear odd socks, I’m not really in a position to rub that one in, now am I?

I’ll tell you what did it for me, shall I? Not only has she started a new series but she actually stayed up till turned 4am the other morning to carry on writing it.

The lengths she has gone to not to start the dissertation has put even the likes of me to shame. And you know she had the audacity to actually moan about her students not completing their work and handing it in on time unless she chased them with a big stick?

So if anyone out there has a bit stick, there is someone over the Irish sea that could do with a wallop.

Form an orderly queue if you please.


I was actually in a really good mood when I arrived at work this morning – but they soon put paid to that. I did ask that everyone hand their timesheets in on the 24th December, but only the brick wall was listening to me.

Consequently not everyone got paid fully today and someone hasn’t been paid at all. And do I care? No, I fecking don’t.

To top it all the radiator in the ladies burst so we’ve been without heating all day - and I didn’t take a coat with me. Pure laziness I’m afraid, I walk out of the house, get into the car, drive to my parking space at work - which just happens to be the second closest to the building - so there isn’t really a need for a coat.

Unless the heating fails of course.

I had got a pair of fingerless gloves in the car – I use them when out and about with the camera - so I did a pretty good Scrooge impression for a while. Unfortunately my fleece and thick welly socks were in Himself’s car, 20 odd miles away, so no bloody good to man or beast.

I couldn’t go home; I wanted to be paid after all and I'm always up against the clock to get it finished in time for the BPS – so Dilys and I took it in turns to wear her coat. We did look a sorry lot today; I reckon the warmest place in the building was the fish tank – at least they have their own heater.

Never mind, it’s mended now – so come tomorrow everyone will be moaning that they are too hot.


pooks said...

Oi you!
There's me being good - better than my usual perfection even - and blogging when I'm at home and able to - not having to go into work and all - and all you can do is snarl about it. I can't blog when I'm at work because the site is blocked remember? The powers that be obviously think that it's corrupt or something. Imagine!

Well in future I'll not bother. You can do it - even though I'm off until Monday - that would be the 7th.

Annnnddddd, anyone who has talked to me has been talked back to, so people have heard a peep from me - some of them lots of peeps. hah!

Annnddddddd it's different when my students need to meet deadlines - I don't set stupid questions where the answer is as obvious as the nose on your face.

Annnndddddd I didn't see you complaining when I sent you the tale of Tom, now did I? Noooooo you just moaned that there wasn't more and encouraged me to ignore the diss and write some more theatre stuff. So it's all your fault.

so there.

Sue said...

Right, so we can take it that from the time you spoke to Sommer up until now, you're on what? 1300 words?

Get on with it.

Annnnnddddd, it doesn't hurt you to have a small break to blog, I'll allow you that. You can have a cup of coffee at the same time - no sugar.

Well, now what are you waiting for? Close your mouth, there's a draft and get writing.

You'll thank me for taking a hard stand with you later.

pooks said...


Sue said...

Ummmm....and just how many quotes have you managed to get in to that then?

pooks said...

Quite a number actually - Quote Garden was good for only a small number but the textbooks - well , these people get paid a fortune to espouse how to be the best teacher so they should know better than me. Actually no, I'm not using the one which states that if your student gets the answer to the question wrong, you should change the question! This man gets paid lots of money to write tripe - all I'll get is letters after my name which I'll never use.