Tuesday, January 01, 2008

You may remember me - I'm the one with the accent apparently. Hah! She says I have an accent - she's Brummie. Oh, she claims she isn't but she is - with bells on.

People are amazed to find that people who write on these things as a tag team haven't necessarily met. I know I was amazed to find that out about folk I presumed would have met, as they seem to know each other so well. But this is the Wonderful World of the Web and it ain't so. The Rainbow Slider and I have never actually met - contradicting those who think that we were separated at birth. That would indeed be one for the record books - if not the medical text books - as I'm waaayyyy older than her. Look, it's three years folks and that gives me seniority around here - okay? Good. Now, where was I? Oh yes the knowing a person thing.

Well, as I said we have never actually met in the flesh - she's seen a picture of me and I've seen lots of her - I don't do photos. She only has one of me thanks to someone else.

And until this morning we'd never spoken either - weird isn't it?

Oh,we talk every day either by email, text and occasionally on here. But the voice thing? Nope. And then her Himself got fed up with the texts that were flying and asked the simple question, 'Why don't you just ring her?' Seems obvious doesn't it? Yeah, well, Sue and I don't do obvious. Ask Scally.
So, she actually listened to her husband for once and I got a phone call at one o'clock this morning asking if I was the Rosemary Conley support group . Yes, we're still on the diet - or more accurately - we're going back on the diet. Put that chocolate down Sue and step away from the profiteroles.

Apparently I don't sound like I do in her head. I don't know what she was expecting - a female Rev Paisley perhaps? Paddy Kielty in tight trousers? - actually that isn't far off the mark, he's from just down the road.

I had to speak really slowly - we're not known for brevity or pausing between words, we Norn Irish like to talk and if you take a breath someone else will start talking in your stead. And there was a slight misunderstanding over some words - 'what? Say that again.' She can tell you until she's blue in the face that she's not Brummie - but she'd be telling you porky pies.

Anyhoo - We want to wish you all a very Happy New Year. We look back on 2007 as a year which took loved ones from us but brought us both a 'sister.' Hold on a minute and I'll pass the sick bucket over there . Sorry mushy moment - I only do it to make her gurn.

We hope that it brings you health to enjoy, joy in abundance, and friends with whom to share it.

We've been talking New Year's resolutions all day here - dear help Edinburgh - I'm taking her to the festival this year and going to introduce her to theatre - and here's a resolution for you lot.

Call in, pull up the sofa closer to the fire, read the stories the three of us leave around and . . and. . .enjoy. You thought I was going to guilt you into saying 'hello, thank you, enjoyed that,' didn't you? While that would be lovely we've decided that it's enough that you enjoy - well, you must do, you keep blooming coming back! And we love seeing you - it'd be nice to hear from you too but beggars can't be chosers. *sighs - loudly*

New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. ~Mark Twain.

Pooks xoxox


Anonymous said...

I think it is great you both "talked" and you are going to love the Edinburgh fest.
We have just had the bells here so off to bed.
A very happy New Year to you both.

pooks said...

Happy New Year to you Liz.

I have this image of us doing the festival. We'll talk constantly until curtain - be quiet for the show obviously - and then resume talking until we reach the next venue. She's never been to theatre and as we dont' have that much here, I squeeze in as much as possible when I'm there - "of course you can fit in four a day" is my motto. And it will be research for me for the new series so she'll have to agree.

Wishing you a wonderful 2008 from this side of the ocean.

Sue said...

Yes, Happy New Year Liz, hope you have a good one.

Ms Verde, I'm just about to set the record straight - you've been warned!