Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I’m back! I won’t ask if anyone missed me, I learnt my lesson the last time. The answer was no just in case you’re wondering.

Nice weekend, other than a passing car flicking a stone onto the windscreen and chipping it – scared us half to death with the noise it made. Although not quite as bad as what happened to Pooks on Friday – someone drove into the back of her car on the way to the airport, which didn’t do her back a lot of good. But she enjoyed 'Wicked', it was...er...wicked?

And you'll understand why going on holiday in England isn’t top of my list of things to do when you see the photos - it persisted down the whole weekend. Not that it made any difference or spoilt it for us; the power of positive thought and several alcoholic drinks sorted us out. We were away from home, together, just the two of us. Who cared if we were soaked to the skin and freezing cold - just had to think of ways to warm up again *grin*.

With hindsight we probably should have gone some where a bit closer – too much travelling involved, 300 odd mile round trip. We didn’t bother visiting Cheddar Gorge in the end but managed two National Trust properties instead

Which we will be visiting again as we didn't get to see all of the gardens or the chapel. It's an amazing place. Gothic in style and full of unusual Victorian nic nacs - including a rack of different types of riding crops, about twenty in all *even bigger grin*.

We also managed to visit Lynmouth & Minehead as well as exploring Ilfracombe, oh and we passed through Hele too!

All in all a nice couple of days away.


Youngest has informed me that he is too old to carve a pumpkin this year - so it's looks like I'm on my own. Well I am not too old and will be doing just that after work today - there are an awful lot of signs in windows around the village making it clear that trick & treaters are not welcome. The pumpkin is a way of showing the kids that they are welcome to call at our house - or at least that is my excuse! Bit sad in a way; both my kids are now grown up and just not interested any more in Halloween or Christmas, come to that - but on a plus side that means no competition this year, so my pumpkin automatically wins & I get the Thorntons chocolate!


pooks said...

Carving pumpkins eh? How posh. Over here we used the Irish equivalent of a pumpkin - a turnip - what you lot call a swede? Heck of a lot harder to carve and stinks to high heaven when you light the candle but hey, you have to do what you can with what you've got. Of course now everywhere has pumpkins - my excuse is that I needed it anyway to make soup so I might as well do something with the shell.

Sue said...

Oh yes, we is very posh over here. And we call swedes 'swedes'; they aren't the same as turnips. Swedes are round and turnips are more carrot shaped - have you never cooked stew & dumplings? Taking the piss out of my pastry and not aknowing your vegetables! Is you lot too posh for swede and potato mash? I suppose you leprechauns can only carve small vegetables; the ones that are easily nicked out of the fields – light fingered lot :-)

pooks said...

Turnips are the size of wee pumpkins. We don't even have many of the things that you call turnips but we know as 'swede.' Historically the size of families in Ireland we wouldn't have the time to peel all those toatie things for dinner. Although here I have to confess that turnip makes me boke. And we mash carrots and parsnip here. Well my M-in-law does 'cos like the turnip, carrot and parsnip makes me boke. And if I don't like it then no-one gets it - I'm not wasting my time and finger nails on that.