We have major issues with the Leader Provider of a contract at work and to be bluntly honest they don’t have a fecking clue what they are doing. They’ve not produced procedures or forms; basically each Provider is allowed to run their own system.
Now that causes a fair few problems – for a start at audit. The auditors will wonder what the bloody hell is going on when one contract has so many different ways of running and forms. It should be a uniformed system. And then we have the error rate – the Contractor runs a system that audits 20 files and looks at the error rate in those files (they will take some from each Provider), they then take that error rate and multiply it across the board – clawing the money back from the contact off everyone. It doesn’t matter if all our files are 100% perfect if others are wrong – and with so many systems running there is a fair chance of that.
So late yesterday – when to be honest after spending a day running a claim I wasn’t feeling bright and breezy, more tired and washed away, I was called into my manager’s office and asked to give details of what had been going on. I’d no idea where the visitor was from, so I had to be extremely diplomatic. For all I knew the person sat there could be from the company we have the contract with – so saying that it’s a complete balls up and the Leader Provider is a complete waste of space wasn’t an option. I earned my wages last night, as well as on Oscar for my performance.
I had to be as honest as possible in a positive way – which meant I came out of the room at turned 5p.m. with one hell of a headache, and then I had to go shopping. I later found out that the person in the meeting was the Contractor who’d given the contract to the Lead Provider and they were looking at quality control. It looks like they’re about to go back and ask what the bloody hell is going on, we weren’t the only provider they had visited, but at least we understood European Social Fund paperwork – I just hope they don’t pull the plug and we all lose out.
When I got back from shopping my dad told me that my manager had called – you know when your stomach turns over because you have a feeling something awful must have happened – like us losing the contract?
Well it wasn’t! I really should try to look on the bright side more often.
Carol had managed to go home last night and locked Sam inside the building, so setting off the alarm when he got up to go home. In fairness to her, Sam’s car wasn’t in the car park – he was marked out on the fire board, and he was sat in the office without any lights on. Sandy herself had checked upstairs and not noticed him sat behind the door.
Of course no one knew how to reset the alarm with the alarm company – heaven forbid they look in the filing cabinet in my office, where filed under ‘Alarm System’ are all the numbers and codes they need, plus the procedure on what to do.
The Alarm Company had rang work as Sam had entered his code to stop the ringing, but refused to deal with him as he didn’t know any of the authorisation codes. It was Sam that had rang Sandy to tell her what was going on.
The alarm company had tried to ring me but of course I was shopping – so everything went on hold until I got home. Then with a raging headache I ended up going back into work to sort it all out.
All the quails have feathers starting to appear now and they’ve doubled in size.
I also took a photo of Bubble the Lovebird at the same time.
So.....you're going to tell your neighbour that all but two of the quails snuffed it....and then keep the rest yourself....aren't you? Bet you do...no way are you wanting to let 'your' chicks out of the coop. Hmmmmm....I wonder what Himself will say when he finds them stashed under your bed next week.
Moi? Nah. Course not.
I’m going hide them in Youngest’s room instead – Himself rarely goes in there. And even if he does he won’t be at all surprised that there are living creatures in it – he’ll just think that child’s socks have evolved...
...and what do you mean - all but two? You can't expect a mummy to choose which babies to give up - I want to keep all of them.
But your neighbour will be expecting at least two to have survived so you'll have to do eeny-meeny-miny-mo and ask for visiting rights when they go back.
Well....Ummmm....I shall just say I was extremely sorry but the cat ate them. They'd never know, would they? Pure coincidence when 6 quail turn up in the duck run.
And they haven't been getting up at 4 a.m. for the night feeds or sat by Houdini's sick nest when it didn't look like he would pull through. They haven't worried or even cried when the one left this cruel world to go to pastures new in the sky. They've been sunning themselves on the beach, whilst drink copious amounts of alcohol instead. I mean, would you trust your babies to people like that?!
Anyway, the quails know my voice now - they think I'm their mummy - they'll miss me as much as I'll miss them. They are MINE! I shall just have to think of a way of sneaking them past Himself.
"I mean, would you trust your babies to people like that?!"
Er....these are the people your son is on holiday with, aren't they? So they're good enough for your kids but not for the livestock?
Livestock!?! *Glares*
Son’s big enough and bad enough to look after himself, unlike my poor little chicks.
Anyway, I’m sure that I probably got the best end of the deal (for a change) – they don’t eat as much as he does, or cost as much to keep. I’ll never have to cough up £400 for a CBT test and moped insurance for them.
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